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Irregular Verbs - Exercise 8

Directions: In the blank below each sentence, write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis. You may add auxiliary verbs. When you are finished, click the "Check My Work" button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

1. The thief was finally (catch) by the police.

2. Dustin is (find) the work hard.

3. Last night Smith (lose) his briefcase.

4. What have you (do) with my jacket?

5. This airline (fly) to Tokyo last summer.

6. Ellen has (go) to the health club with her friends.

7. I (teach) myself to read when I was only four years old.

8. The company has (sell) over a million products.

9. After he had stood for over an hour, Mark finally (sit) down.

10. The ball was hit to the pitcher, who (throw) it to first base.


For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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